December 1973
- Fr Rollo Enright was appointed Parish Priest of the parish, which incorporated Rochedale, Springwood, Daisy Hill, Shailer Park and Slacks Creek. He lived at St Bernard’s, Upper Mt Gravatt, then later in Toufik Street, Rochedale.
- Land was purchased in Rochedale Road, Ford Road and Chatswood Road.
January 1974
- The first Mass was celebrated in St Declan’s Church, on the site of what is now a restaurant, on the Pacific Highway Service Road at Slacks Creek.
- Masses were celebrated at the Garrigans’ house, in Iperta Street, Rochedale, and at Rochedale State School, with Confessions being heard in a broom cupboard.
- Fr Rollo consulted with parishioners on the name for the new parish, and St Peter was chosen as our Patron. The Vision Statement, which is on the rock at the entrance to the Church, was written.
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- A demountable building was purchased from the University of Queensland, and this was used as the Mass Centre until the present Church was built.
- The demountable was also used by Fr Enright for his sleeping quarters for a short time, and later became the Parish Administration area, always referred to as ‘the demountable’. It was replaced by our current Parish Office in 2001.
- Fr Terry Collins was appointed to assist Fr Enright.
- People worked very closely with Fr Enright as all began the pioneering of the establishment of this new parish. Many groups were formed: e.g. Counters, Social Committee, Women’s Group, Finance Committee, Parish Council, St Vincent de Paul, Youth Group, Over 50s Group.
- Social events, such as Parish Balls, were organized and engendered a vibrant community spirit in the parish.
- The Canossan Sisters helped with the Sacramental Program during the parish’s first year.
- Sr Jocelyn Brown became the first Parish Worker in 1975, a new concept in any parish at that time, and so began a long association with the Presentation Sisters.
- St Peter’s School was opened in January 1976, with Sr Vicki Anne as the Principal.
- A house was donated by Dennis McEniery for use as Presbytery and then as Convent.
Excerpt from Presentation Sisters Congregational Annals:
“On Monday 16 January 1978 the three Sisters making the foundation at Rochedale arrived at their small house-convent at 3 Iperta Street accompanied by the Mother General, Mother Gabriel. The Sisters in the community are Sister Vicki-Anne Parry, principal of St Peter’s School, Rochedale, which has been in operation for two years during which time Sister Vicki-Anne travelled from Wishart Convent; Sister Gabrielle Shears, principal of St Edward’s School at Daisy Hill, a new school opened this year; and Sister Mercia Foster, Superior of the Convent and Co-ordinator of the Presentation Primary Schools in Queensland.”
Excerpt from Presentation Sisters Congregational Annals:
“On Monday 16 January 1978 the three Sisters making the foundation at Rochedale arrived at their small house-convent at 3 Iperta Street accompanied by the Mother General, Mother Gabriel. The Sisters in the community are Sister Vicki-Anne Parry, principal of St Peter’s School, Rochedale, which has been in operation for two years during which time Sister Vicki-Anne travelled from Wishart Convent; Sister Gabrielle Shears, principal of St Edward’s School at Daisy Hill, a new school opened this year; and Sister Mercia Foster, Superior of the Convent and Co-ordinator of the Presentation Primary Schools in Queensland.”

A bus was purchased and painted by the youth of the parish to transport children to and from school, as well as the Over 50s to picnics and other parish activities.
Some of the people who worked tirelessly to establish the new parish of St Peter’s were Jim Fleming, George Gough and Vince Henderson. June Richards began her work as Parish Secretary initially in a voluntary capacity, and later paid, a role she continued in until late 1996.
The planning and building of St Peter’s Church took up much time and energy, and it was opened by Bishop John Gerry on 19th December 1978. Choosing the correct timbers and rocks took many hours, for this building, rich in symbolism.
The Daisy Hill Parish was formed in 1978, which reduced St Peter’s Parish area.
Some of the people who worked tirelessly to establish the new parish of St Peter’s were Jim Fleming, George Gough and Vince Henderson. June Richards began her work as Parish Secretary initially in a voluntary capacity, and later paid, a role she continued in until late 1996.
The planning and building of St Peter’s Church took up much time and energy, and it was opened by Bishop John Gerry on 19th December 1978. Choosing the correct timbers and rocks took many hours, for this building, rich in symbolism.
The Daisy Hill Parish was formed in 1978, which reduced St Peter’s Parish area.
- A second house was donated by Dennis McEniery, for use as the Presbytery.
- In November 1979 a big multicultural celebration was held to mark the International Year of the Child.
- Great effort was made to plant a large number of trees around the oval. These were lovingly tended, and most are still standing today.
- Sr Mercia Foster initiated Family Enrichment Gatherings for many young families. She began a series of Women’s Retreat days at Manly and Tugun, thoroughly appreciated by all who attended.
- Father and Son weekends gave the Dads a special time together with their sons.
- During this time the parish was divided into zones, and area meetings were held. These became an important meeting place for many people.
- All the groups that were formed in the previous five years continued to flourish and function effectively, with the Rosary Group being a new addition. Other activities were added, such as Lenten Groups, Family Picnic days and fund-raisers such as a Walk-a-thon.
- The departure of Fr Rollo Enright to the parish at Woodford, and the arrival of Fr Murray Moffat.
Fr Enright’s pioneering spirit still lives on in the parish.
- Parishioners prayed the Way of the Cross around local streets, necessitating the closure of some streets.
- The bus that had served so many purposes in the parish was burnt whilst a Confirmation ceremony was being held in the Church. This was a time of several small fires and robberies in the Church and School, so the men of the parish slept in these areas in an effort to apprehend the culprit – who was never found.
- Following a Mission given by the Passionist Fathers, the formation of the Family Groups took on a vital ministry within the parish.
- The parish held its first Parish Assembly, and the Parish Council became theCouncil of Ministries.
- The first Lay principal, Doreen Lovatt, was appointed to St Peter’s School.
- A Baptismal Preparation Program, run by parishioners, was established during this time.
- The RCIA began, and it has become an important part of the parish life each year.
- The parish was enriched by the presence of Seminarians who shared their enthusiasm and involvement with everyone.
- Family Groups continued to grow and flourish, and the Solo Parent Group was formed.
- The parish-based Sacramental Program for Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist continued in response to directives from the Archbishop.
- The loan on the Church was completed during this time.
- Fr Murray Moffat was transferred to Wishart, and Fr Jim Cosgrove was appointed.
- The Shaping and Staffing process began during this time, enabling parishioners to begin looking at parish structures within the diocese in the future.
- Plans were made to:
- Change the tennis court into a car park.
- Add the new portico to the Church.
- Build a new Presbytery.
- Build a Pre-School and new Administration Block at the School.
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- The involvement of the Presentation Sisters in the parish ended, with the departure of Sr Patsy Grundy. The Presentation Sisters had been part of the parish for twenty years.
- Sr Janette Marsh, a Brigidine Sister, joined the Parish staff.
- June Richards, the first Parish Secretary, who had worked in the parish for 20 years, retired, and was replaced by Carolyn Kanowski.
- The Memorial Wall and Garden was constructed on the western side of the Church.
- Fr Jim Cosgrove was transferred, and Fr Ashley Warbrooke was appointed in February.
- The Dominican priests for the USA led a Mission on Parish Renewal.
- Sr Rita Clancy, a member of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, joined the Parish staff.
- Thirtieth Anniversary of the Parish. Memorial Plaque attached to the Church.
St Peter's Parish Priests
1973 - 1981 Fr Rollo Enright Assistant Priest: Fr Terry Collins 1981 - 1992 Fr Murray Moffat 1992 - 1998 Fr Jim Cosgrove 1998 - 2014 Fr Ashley Warbrooke 2009 - 2022. Deacon Mike Jones 2014 - 2017 Fr Jacob Chacko MCBS 2017 - 2023 Fr Baiyi Gong 2023 - current. Fr Johny Ouseph Edapulavan CMI St Peter's Parish Workers & Pastoral Associates 1976 Sr Jocelyn Brown pbvm - Parish Worker 1979 – 1982 Sr Cecily (Mercia) Foster pbvm - Parish/School REC 1987 Sr Lynn Albury pbvm - ACRE Coordinator, Parish Assistant 1983 – 1987 Sr Carmel Boyle pbvm - REC, Parish Work 1983 – 1987 Sr Dominic Burke pbvm - Part-time Parish Worker 1988 – 1993 Sr Denise Ryan pbvm - Parish Assistant 1994 – 1995 Sr Patricia Grundy pbvm - Parish/Pastoral Associate 1996 – 2003 Sr Janette Marsh CSB - Pastoral Associate 2004 – 2008 Sr Rita Clancy OLSH - Pastoral Associate 2009 - 2015 Mary Naughton - Pastoral Co-ordinator 2015 - current. Josephine Cullen - Lay Ministry Co-ordinator |