St Peter's Rochedale is a very active parish with major involvement in the various ministries listed below. For more information about any of the St Peter's ministries, or to join a ministry, please contact the Parish Office.
A committee oversees and promotes faith education in the Parish.
Many opportunities are offered in the Deanery such as: Beginning Theology, Foundations and Chaplaincy Courses and other opportunities.
At the Parish level there are special Lenten discussion groups, occasional speakers or special activities throughout the year.
Contact the Parish Office for current details.
A committee oversees and promotes faith education in the Parish.
Many opportunities are offered in the Deanery such as: Beginning Theology, Foundations and Chaplaincy Courses and other opportunities.
At the Parish level there are special Lenten discussion groups, occasional speakers or special activities throughout the year.
Contact the Parish Office for current details.
Altar Servers assist the priest during the Mass. Children from Year 4 upwards, who have been Confirmed and made their First Communion may volunteer to be trained and be included in the roster. Shortly before a new roster is compiled, forms will be placed at the back of the Church, for volunteers to submit their names; alternatively, an interested child can contact the Parish Priest, or the Parish Office.
Altar Servers assist the priest during the Mass. Children from Year 4 upwards, who have been Confirmed and made their First Communion may volunteer to be trained and be included in the roster. Shortly before a new roster is compiled, forms will be placed at the back of the Church, for volunteers to submit their names; alternatively, an interested child can contact the Parish Priest, or the Parish Office.
Our Altar Servers' Support Group consists of some of the parents of our Altar Servers. This group oversees the roster as well as the training and fun activities and outings for the children.
Our Altar Servers' Support Group consists of some of the parents of our Altar Servers. This group oversees the roster as well as the training and fun activities and outings for the children.
This preparation is led by a group of parishioners.
After the family has spoken with a Baptism Team Member they attend a Baptism Preparation Meeting. This is a prerequisite for Baptism in St Peter’s Parish. For more information about Baptism at St Peter's Parish, please click here....
This preparation is led by a group of parishioners.
After the family has spoken with a Baptism Team Member they attend a Baptism Preparation Meeting. This is a prerequisite for Baptism in St Peter’s Parish. For more information about Baptism at St Peter's Parish, please click here....
A dedicated group of parishioners that make sure the entrance to the church is tidy and inviting. They ensure the various notices, brochures and other literature are presented neatly and are current both on the veranda noticeboards and on the mobile display boards and tables
A dedicated group of parishioners that make sure the entrance to the church is tidy and inviting. They ensure the various notices, brochures and other literature are presented neatly and are current both on the veranda noticeboards and on the mobile display boards and tables
This group contacts those parishioners who have experienced recent bereavement in their family. They are sent a card following the death, expressing our sympathy and prayers. We also remember them with a card at the first anniversary of the death. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like prayers for someone recently deceased in your family.
A special Mass is held on 2nd November (the Feast of the Holy Souls) each year and these families are invited to attend where they are given a lighted candle to place before the altar which will burn throughout the Mass. After Mass we gather for supper which allows time of sharing and healing.
This group contacts those parishioners who have experienced recent bereavement in their family. They are sent a card following the death, expressing our sympathy and prayers. We also remember them with a card at the first anniversary of the death. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like prayers for someone recently deceased in your family.
A special Mass is held on 2nd November (the Feast of the Holy Souls) each year and these families are invited to attend where they are given a lighted candle to place before the altar which will burn throughout the Mass. After Mass we gather for supper which allows time of sharing and healing.
Care and Concern is a parish based group of volunteers who do a variety of practical tasks in and around the parish and the local community. The group provides services in the areas of visiting the lonely and isolated, transport for those who cannot access the public transport system, meals for those experiencing difficult times, catering for funerals if it is requested house cleaning and handyman tasks in emergency situations and providing social gatherings and outings for our parishioners and community members in a spirit of fun, friendship and Christian fellowship.
The Committee meets monthly, new volunteers are always welcome and training is available to prepare them for the work. A handbook outlining the rights and responsibilities of the volunteers is given to all volunteers.
Brochures explaining our services are available at the back of the Church and contain the contact details of our Team Leaders who can provide more information about this special ministry. Contact details can also be found in the parish newsletter.
Care and Concern is a parish based group of volunteers who do a variety of practical tasks in and around the parish and the local community. The group provides services in the areas of visiting the lonely and isolated, transport for those who cannot access the public transport system, meals for those experiencing difficult times, catering for funerals if it is requested house cleaning and handyman tasks in emergency situations and providing social gatherings and outings for our parishioners and community members in a spirit of fun, friendship and Christian fellowship.
The Committee meets monthly, new volunteers are always welcome and training is available to prepare them for the work. A handbook outlining the rights and responsibilities of the volunteers is given to all volunteers.
Brochures explaining our services are available at the back of the Church and contain the contact details of our Team Leaders who can provide more information about this special ministry. Contact details can also be found in the parish newsletter.
Volunteer parishioners in groups of 3 or 4 are rostered to clean the church and parish centre each weekend. This includes vacuuming, cleaning of windows, sweeping the veranda and dusting. There are 8 groups at present. New members are always welcome to join the roster. CHURCH LINEN
A dedicated group of parishioners make sure the various linen items are kept looking clean and fresh, on a monthly roster. |
Sunday Children's Liturgy - This Liturgy, for primary school-aged children is celebrated every Sunday during the school term at the 9:00am Mass. Children leave the Church after the Entrance song. They pray, listen to Gospel readings for the Sunday, and may use a worksheet relating to the reading. They return to the Church for the Offertory Procession and rejoin their families. There is a roster of adults from our community who prepare the Liturgy for each week. If you are interested in participating in this Ministry, please contact the Parish Office.
Tuesday's Children's Liturgy - During the School Term, this Liturgy is celebrated at the 8:00am Mass each Tuesday. Children attend on a voluntary basis and participate in the Liturgy of the Word and the singing of hymns. This Liturgy is strongly supported by parents, teachers, and others in the community. All parishioners are welcome to attend. The Mass finishes before the school day starts. If you would like to be involved in any of the Ministries, please contact the Parish Office.
Sunday Children's Liturgy - This Liturgy, for primary school-aged children is celebrated every Sunday during the school term at the 9:00am Mass. Children leave the Church after the Entrance song. They pray, listen to Gospel readings for the Sunday, and may use a worksheet relating to the reading. They return to the Church for the Offertory Procession and rejoin their families. There is a roster of adults from our community who prepare the Liturgy for each week. If you are interested in participating in this Ministry, please contact the Parish Office.
Tuesday's Children's Liturgy - During the School Term, this Liturgy is celebrated at the 8:00am Mass each Tuesday. Children attend on a voluntary basis and participate in the Liturgy of the Word and the singing of hymns. This Liturgy is strongly supported by parents, teachers, and others in the community. All parishioners are welcome to attend. The Mass finishes before the school day starts. If you would like to be involved in any of the Ministries, please contact the Parish Office.
Every week donations collected during the weekend masses have to be counted and recorded. This important ministry is carried out by two teams that alternate week by week.
Every week donations collected during the weekend masses have to be counted and recorded. This important ministry is carried out by two teams that alternate week by week.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion share in the visible expression of the full Church, through assisting the Celebrant with the distribution of Communion to the community during Mass. If you would like to be an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, please contact the Parish Office. Regular in-service is held to nourish and deepen the Minsters’ appreciation of this Sacrament and to enable each to carry out this special Ministry with reverence and devotion. |
The Family Group Movement is uniquely Australian. A Family Group is comprised, on an average, of twelve to thirteen families. It includes families, singles, single parents, widows, widowers, senior citizens and non-Catholics – in other words – “A FAMILY FOR ALL”.
The Family Group Movement is uniquely Australian. A Family Group is comprised, on an average, of twelve to thirteen families. It includes families, singles, single parents, widows, widowers, senior citizens and non-Catholics – in other words – “A FAMILY FOR ALL”.
Each group has a leader couple who has a very important service ministry and normally the group takes its name from that couple. The group gathers monthly, alternating between an adult and a family function. The activities include picnics, barbecues, casserole nights, progressive dinners, movies, games nights, etc . . . (possibilities are limitless!)
For further information please contact the Parish Office.
Follow us on Facebook - click here
For further information please contact the Parish Office.
Follow us on Facebook - click here
The Gardening Group consists of parishioners who have an interest in gardening and want to enhance the Church grounds. We have working bees a couple of times a year, and individuals come and spend time when it is convenient for them. You don't need any experience other than an appreciation of nature. It is very satisfying and lots of fun
The Gardening Group consists of parishioners who have an interest in gardening and want to enhance the Church grounds. We have working bees a couple of times a year, and individuals come and spend time when it is convenient for them. You don't need any experience other than an appreciation of nature. It is very satisfying and lots of fun
Members of the Hospitality Group serve tea and coffee to parishioners after each of the weekend masses on a rotational basis. They set up, serve and clean up. This is a great way to meet and chat with other parishioners. If you would like to be added to the roster for this very community orientated ministry, please contact the parish office.
Members of the Hospitality Group serve tea and coffee to parishioners after each of the weekend masses on a rotational basis. They set up, serve and clean up. This is a great way to meet and chat with other parishioners. If you would like to be added to the roster for this very community orientated ministry, please contact the parish office.
There are many sick or elderly parishioners who are not able to attend Mass. They are visited by Home Communion Ministers, uniting them with the faith community by sharing with them the Word of God proclaimed in the assembly from which their sickness or frailty has separated them, and giving them the body and blood of Christ in holy communion to unite them sacramentally to the Lord.
Volunteers who can spare about two hours on a Tuesday morning to assist with this Ministry are welcome. If you would like to help, even if it’s only once a month, please contact the Parish Priest or the Parish Office. Alternatively, if you know of someone who is sick or housebound who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office.
There are many sick or elderly parishioners who are not able to attend Mass. They are visited by Home Communion Ministers, uniting them with the faith community by sharing with them the Word of God proclaimed in the assembly from which their sickness or frailty has separated them, and giving them the body and blood of Christ in holy communion to unite them sacramentally to the Lord.
Volunteers who can spare about two hours on a Tuesday morning to assist with this Ministry are welcome. If you would like to help, even if it’s only once a month, please contact the Parish Priest or the Parish Office. Alternatively, if you know of someone who is sick or housebound who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office.
The St. Peter’s Liturgy Group is involved in the preparation of liturgies for Easter, Christmas and other special liturgical events. We meet four to six times a year.
The Group:
During the year, individual members prepare the introduction, Penitential Rite and Prayer of the Faithful for each Sunday.
If you are interested in participating please contact the Parish Office.
The St. Peter’s Liturgy Group is involved in the preparation of liturgies for Easter, Christmas and other special liturgical events. We meet four to six times a year.
The Group:
- Prepares liturgies for the season of Lent and Advent based on themes and information from the Archdiocese and The Liturgical Commission.
- Prepares the church environment (decorate church).
- Selects the music for these liturgies.
- Prepares booklets for these masses.
- Organises parishioner participation in these liturgies.
During the year, individual members prepare the introduction, Penitential Rite and Prayer of the Faithful for each Sunday.
If you are interested in participating please contact the Parish Office.
The maintenance committee consists of parish and school personnel and looks after the maintenance of all St Peter's buildings and upgrading facilities where required.
The maintenance committee consists of parish and school personnel and looks after the maintenance of all St Peter's buildings and upgrading facilities where required.
This group ensures that each Mass is set up and that all ministers are present i.e. Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Collectors, parishioners for the Offertory Procession, etc.
This group ensures that each Mass is set up and that all ministers are present i.e. Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Collectors, parishioners for the Offertory Procession, etc.
This team organises the process of reservations and the placement of the Plaques and Ashes in the St Peter's Memorial Wall and Garden.
More information can be found in the brochure available at the Church Entrance or by clicking here
This team organises the process of reservations and the placement of the Plaques and Ashes in the St Peter's Memorial Wall and Garden.
More information can be found in the brochure available at the Church Entrance or by clicking here
MOTHERS PRAYERS “United in prayer we save our children”
This group meets regularly for about an hour to pray for our children and to speak about the worries and concerns they may have. “Mothers Prayers” is for all women – all those who have a mother’s heart. To those who pray in the groups there is no difference between a physical mother, a single woman or those who are married without children. All are most welcome! For more information please contact the Parish Office. |
An enthusiastic group of people who love music and want to be involved in playing an instrument or singing in a group, particularly for Parish Masses. Musicians nominate the mass time which best suits them.
The Music Liturgy group meets approximately every six weeks to plan music selections, as advertised in the Parish Newsletter. Meetings are usually held on a Monday Night at 7.30pm. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in joining
New members are always welcome
An enthusiastic group of people who love music and want to be involved in playing an instrument or singing in a group, particularly for Parish Masses. Musicians nominate the mass time which best suits them.
The Music Liturgy group meets approximately every six weeks to plan music selections, as advertised in the Parish Newsletter. Meetings are usually held on a Monday Night at 7.30pm. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in joining
New members are always welcome
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation Adults)
RCIA is the faith journey of adults wishing to know more about the Catholic faith. Those never Baptised are accompanied by a small dedicated group of parishioners to an introduction and initiation of the combined rites of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Grounded in the four pillars of Word, Liturgy, Community and Mission adults are provided with a sponsor, meet regularly with the team to learn about Catholicism and to become part of the fabric of the Parish.
The faith journey is adapted for children of catechetical age (9 -17 years) and for adults who are already baptised in another Christian tradition. Please contact the Parish Office for further information.
RCIA is the faith journey of adults wishing to know more about the Catholic faith. Those never Baptised are accompanied by a small dedicated group of parishioners to an introduction and initiation of the combined rites of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Grounded in the four pillars of Word, Liturgy, Community and Mission adults are provided with a sponsor, meet regularly with the team to learn about Catholicism and to become part of the fabric of the Parish.
The faith journey is adapted for children of catechetical age (9 -17 years) and for adults who are already baptised in another Christian tradition. Please contact the Parish Office for further information.
Readers proclaim the Scriptures to those assembled at Mass to hear the Word of God. Regular in-service is held to deepen Readers’ grasp of the Word of God and further their skills in proclaiming this Word and is essential before commencing this ministry. If you would like to be a Reader, please contact the Parish Office.
Readers proclaim the Scriptures to those assembled at Mass to hear the Word of God. Regular in-service is held to deepen Readers’ grasp of the Word of God and further their skills in proclaiming this Word and is essential before commencing this ministry. If you would like to be a Reader, please contact the Parish Office.
Saint Peter’s Catholic Parish provides volunteers for the Christian Religion Instruction (CRI) at Rochedale State School. Each week CRI lessons are prepared from a set curriculum, which has been agreed by the local Minister’s fraternal group. The volunteer teachers have undertaken basic training in teaching CRI require a Blue Card and must be accredited by one of our local churches. Students have parent approval to remain in their class groups for this nondenominational Christian program. The CRI material includes teaching manuals, teaching aids, student activity books, music and other activities that are designed to help engage each child with the Bible and to help them understand the basics of the Christian faith.
Can You Assist?
Volunteers are always welcome and needed. Some classes do not receive lessons if we have an insufficient number of teachers. Maybe you can be a catechist for one year, or longer. You may like to be a helper first, to gain confidence. Men and women, young, old, or in-between – everyone is welcome!
Catechists are given appropriate training. Courses are run by the Catholic Education Centre during the year and help is always available from within the Parish if needed. We use easy-to-follow programs. No formal qualification is required, just a willingness to be committed each week and a desire to share your faith and love of God with the children. New Catechists are welcome.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office.
Saint Peter’s Catholic Parish provides volunteers for the Christian Religion Instruction (CRI) at Rochedale State School. Each week CRI lessons are prepared from a set curriculum, which has been agreed by the local Minister’s fraternal group. The volunteer teachers have undertaken basic training in teaching CRI require a Blue Card and must be accredited by one of our local churches. Students have parent approval to remain in their class groups for this nondenominational Christian program. The CRI material includes teaching manuals, teaching aids, student activity books, music and other activities that are designed to help engage each child with the Bible and to help them understand the basics of the Christian faith.
Can You Assist?
Volunteers are always welcome and needed. Some classes do not receive lessons if we have an insufficient number of teachers. Maybe you can be a catechist for one year, or longer. You may like to be a helper first, to gain confidence. Men and women, young, old, or in-between – everyone is welcome!
Catechists are given appropriate training. Courses are run by the Catholic Education Centre during the year and help is always available from within the Parish if needed. We use easy-to-follow programs. No formal qualification is required, just a willingness to be committed each week and a desire to share your faith and love of God with the children. New Catechists are welcome.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office.
This group meets in the Church to pray the Rosary each Friday at 9:00am before mass. On the 1st Friday of each month Rosary is recited at 8:30am followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
They pray for our friends and relatives and enjoy morning tea and a friendly chat. There is always a warm welcome for anyone who would like to join the Rosary Group.
This group meets in the Church to pray the Rosary each Friday at 9:00am before mass. On the 1st Friday of each month Rosary is recited at 8:30am followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
They pray for our friends and relatives and enjoy morning tea and a friendly chat. There is always a warm welcome for anyone who would like to join the Rosary Group.
We are a people of faith. Each year parents ask that their children be initiated into our faith community. This is a commitment on the part of parents and the parish to ensure that our children are educated in the faith and participate in the life of the Church. The Sacramental Team plan, prepare and coordinate programs for the children preparing for Sacraments. The Team also arranges meetings with parents for adult faith development. Participation in the Team is an enriching experience which helps one’s own faith as well as that of others. Please contact us for further information.
See also: Baptisms and/or Sacramental Program
We are a people of faith. Each year parents ask that their children be initiated into our faith community. This is a commitment on the part of parents and the parish to ensure that our children are educated in the faith and participate in the life of the Church. The Sacramental Team plan, prepare and coordinate programs for the children preparing for Sacraments. The Team also arranges meetings with parents for adult faith development. Participation in the Team is an enriching experience which helps one’s own faith as well as that of others. Please contact us for further information.
See also: Baptisms and/or Sacramental Program
A dedicated group of parishioners who are rostered monthly to keep all church linen washed clean and fresh. The Sacristans also keep the Sacristy and Confessional clean and ensure that sufficient stocks of supplies for Masses are maintained.
A dedicated group of parishioners who are rostered monthly to keep all church linen washed clean and fresh. The Sacristans also keep the Sacristy and Confessional clean and ensure that sufficient stocks of supplies for Masses are maintained.
The aim of the Social Justice Group is to educate ourselves about social justice issues and to draw the attention of our parishioners to issues prevalent in our society in the local, national and international context.
Follow us on Facebook - Click Here
The aim of the Social Justice Group is to educate ourselves about social justice issues and to draw the attention of our parishioners to issues prevalent in our society in the local, national and international context.
Follow us on Facebook - Click Here
We closely work with the:
The Mission of the Society of St Vincent de Paul in Australia is to deepen the Catholic Faith of its members and to go out into our nation to heighten awareness of Jesus Christ. We do this by sharing ourselves - who we are and what we have - with the poor and needy on a person-to-person basis.
In our Parish of St Peter's Rochedale, our main work is through Home Visitation. Our Members visit people at home (during the day), to work with the poor in their development, by respecting their dignity, sharing our hope, and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny and to bring them friendship and assistance. This provides a hand up rather than a hand out.
Vincentians are not professionally trained social workers, but we are an organisation of Catholic people of all ages, who want to serve their neighbours and wish to serve the poor and needy as Jesus did.
At St Peter’s, members meet fortnightly, Tuesday 4:30 pm, for one hour in the Parish Office to review visits and activities undertaken, and for spiritual development.
Anyone who is willing to lend a hand is most welcome to join the St Peter’s Conference. Further information may be obtained through the Parish Office or by phoning the number in the Parish newsletter.
The Mission of the Society of St Vincent de Paul in Australia is to deepen the Catholic Faith of its members and to go out into our nation to heighten awareness of Jesus Christ. We do this by sharing ourselves - who we are and what we have - with the poor and needy on a person-to-person basis.
In our Parish of St Peter's Rochedale, our main work is through Home Visitation. Our Members visit people at home (during the day), to work with the poor in their development, by respecting their dignity, sharing our hope, and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny and to bring them friendship and assistance. This provides a hand up rather than a hand out.
Vincentians are not professionally trained social workers, but we are an organisation of Catholic people of all ages, who want to serve their neighbours and wish to serve the poor and needy as Jesus did.
At St Peter’s, members meet fortnightly, Tuesday 4:30 pm, for one hour in the Parish Office to review visits and activities undertaken, and for spiritual development.
Anyone who is willing to lend a hand is most welcome to join the St Peter’s Conference. Further information may be obtained through the Parish Office or by phoning the number in the Parish newsletter.
This group endeavours to contact new members to our parish, to welcome them to our Church and Parish community. An Information Booklet is available to new parishioners so that they have details regarding organisations, groups and activities within the parish. If you would like to become a part of this group, please contact the Parish Office.
This group endeavours to contact new members to our parish, to welcome them to our Church and Parish community. An Information Booklet is available to new parishioners so that they have details regarding organisations, groups and activities within the parish. If you would like to become a part of this group, please contact the Parish Office.
The Works Committee, consisting of Parish and School personnel looks at the maintenance of all buildings and upgrading of facilities where required. This is a rewarding and sometimes challenging ministry. If you would like contribute to the growth of the Parish then this ministry may be for you. Please contact the Parish Office for further detail. |
Rochedale Youth currently have three groups that meet throughout the year. Young Adults: Our young adult group is for people aged 18-35. It is a space for young adults to create community and explore their faith with like minded people. We meet twice a month throughout the year. Once a month as a social catch up and once a month for formation or prayer. To find out more about when and where we are meeting check out our Instagram page @rochedaleyouth or the Parish Newsletter. High school: Our high school group (years 7-12) meets fortnightly during the school term on a Sunday night after Mass. It is a space for young people to come together, have fun, learn, explore and ask life's big questions. Junior (W.o.W): Our junior group, Walk on Water has an event once a term where children in years 3-6 can come together to play games and learn a bit more about the Christian faith. For the exact date of this event follow our Instagram page or check the parish newsletter. CONTACT US: Email: [email protected] Instagram: @rochedaleyouth |